A Compass to your journey
Sacred Drumming Medicine Path© Cards
In late 2020, Steven underwent what should have been a routine, low-risk procedure. He suffered a major heart attack during the procedure, leading to him being put into a coma.
No-one knew how much lasting damage Steven would take from this ordeal.
Steven was woken from his coma after a few days, and proceeded to make a full recovery over the next weeks. He was re-born with all his memories, experiences and skills intact, but also a newly heightened appreciation of how precious and vulnerable the gift of life is.
Inspirations for the Sacred Drumming Medicine Path© cards and their teachings had already been emerging throughout decades of sacred work by Steven and Renata, and the deep healing following the traumatic experiences and Steven’s re-birth brought inspirations and dreams into life.
The powerful card images were drawn by Steven, while Renata created the enchanting backgrounds. The images and backgrounds work as a team, like Steven and Renata do, and provide you with a compass to navigate the challenges and beauties of your life and medicine path journey.
The card deck comes with 62 beautiful cards and a comprehensive guide book for insights and teachings.
The 13-day Challenge
In Spring 2024, we put out a challenge to students from our Sacred Drumming Practitioner Training© course. For 13 days in a row, everyone drew a daily card and shared their experiences and insights from that card with the group.
The resulting journey not only brought joy and healing to each individual, but also formed a strong bond and community which sustains beyond the course.
Read below testimonials from the participants, and join our Patreon to keep up to date and join in when we run the next 13-day challenge!
A beautiful gift to yourself
The medicine path card challenge was a great way to come meet myself each day, tapping into a greater wisdom, I might be missing on a day to day. Allowing me to connect to myself and gain access to the beautiful images that allowed my imagination to flow into subconscious spaces. Bringing forward a sense of known of the right direction I needed to take and be guided by. Awakening a view point with the meanings, a sense of connection to things in my life I wasn’t giving enough attention to. With this new insight I walked with more awareness, ready to receive what the day had to offer. Making more conscious decisions as I walked each step.
A beautiful gift to gift yourself
~Dean 🍀💚
Wisdom for Growth and Exploration
Thank you for creating this most insightful and beautiful challenge. I’ve loved how all my hopes, dreams and wishes have found a voice along with some deep realisations and difficult truths to see. It’s been beautiful to journey with a community and see and experience their encouragement, along with the wisdom their own sharings brought. The Medicine Path Cards are a true gift, they hold such wisdom for growth and exploration.
~ Debbie
Deep, meaningful and magical
Thank you for the 13 day medicine path card challenge that we’ve just completed. As the challenge went on I began to look forward to the guidance/message that was given every morning.
Although some of them created a deal of resistance & sorrow, others provided nurturing & comfort within the lessons shown or questions asked.
I think the cards are so beautiful, each image so deep & meaningful .. & the words in the accompanying book are as equally magical.
The creation of this set of medicine path cards has most definitely come from a special place & energy. I feel blessed to have them as part of my ‘box of tools’ to help guide me .. so much so that I still shuffle the cards each morning to see what the day has in store for me .. what words will guide me on my path that day.
Thank u .. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌀🙏🏼
~ Julie
Coming from a wise and ancient place
Thank you so much, Renata, for setting us this challenge to pick a Medicine Path Card every day for 13 days. It has given me a beautiful wide-angle view of themes to work with and revisit, including things that hadn’t been on my radar at all. I began to wake up each morning and look forward to receiving the day’s card! I also learnt from what others were sharing.
What strikes me most is the poetry of the images and the book ~ they seem to come from a wise and ancient place and help me to tap into that part of me. I was surprised how much I felt just by looking at the cards. Words poured on to the pages of my journal before I’d even opened the book for guidance. It’s like having a map and handbook for getting to know yourself.
~ Julie-Anne
An authentic and heartfelt journey of interconnectedness
Rarely is there an opportunity like this, to dive into such an authentic and heartfelt journey of interconnectedness to the more than human aspects of the medicine wheel. Through spirit and deep wisdom these cards invite an opening to all aspects of your personal medicine path.
This deck feels so accurate a deeply personal, that they feel as through they have been written and created just for you. Extraordinarily accurate and tuned into the nuances of life. There is an unfolding that happens when these cards are used regularly, that facilitates a wider lens to connect to what you need to learn.
From the beautiful artwork that sparks the imagination to find its own meaning and intuit their messages, to the written wisdom and insights that you gain from the teachings that are offered though these cards. They become a daily spiritual tool of inner knowing and a poignant reminder of our oneness with the universe.
~ Tracy
Teachings perfect for where I am on my medicine path
The Sacred Drumming Medicine Path card challenge was motivating, and the cards offered much support and insights along the way. The wisdom teachings of the cards were so spot on for the thoughts I was having, the questions I was asking and the confirmations supported me to trust my own insights, too.
What I found amazing was how from the first card to the last, when looked at overall, the teachings they presented were so perfect for where I was/where I am on my medicine path. Some cards presented themselves more than once which I found reinforced the teachings in the wisdom.
I think the cards are amazing. And I am grateful to Steven and Renata for their creation.
~ Jacinta
Beautifully insightful and inspiring
I found the medicine path card challenge beautifully insightful and inspiring. To allow time each day to choose and sit with a card that ‘spoke’ to me was a real gift to myself. The cards are beautiful in colour and design, with both a simplicity but also great depth and richness and they allowed me to see where I was each day, not in a way that they was prescriptive or telling me what I needed to do, but rather that they connected to an inner aspect of myself, my innate inner wisdom that knows exactly where I am on my path and what next steps I need to take. Over the 13 days, the meaning of the cards would unfold, a pattern emerging that enabled me to live with more awareness and clearer purpose. I thoroughly recommend to anyone to try this challenge, and see what insight and illumination it brings to your life.
~ Dr. Roz Gibbs