The Golden Light Project© is a 13-day guided meditation programme for personal and global healing and transformation.


This programme offers a way of reconneting to the the divine source of all life. It creates a clear channel for the uninhibited flow of the golden light which forms the rainbow bridge between your highest Self and your physial/earthly self.

Working with the Golden Light Project you have an opportunity to heal whatever stands in the the way of you living your highest potential. Like the clearest, purest water, golden light begins to flow into your consciousness to bring new inspiration and quench the deep thirst that you may not even know is there.

As you consciously direct the golden light through the 13 chakras into Mother Earth, you begin to release energetic blocks, clear old memories that do not serve you any more and unlock the gifts and talents that will help you fulfil your life’s purpose.

It is said that we are the ones we have been waiting for.
When you invite the golden light to change you from the inside, a beauty and peace beyond understanding will begin to manifest not just in your personal life but it will also ripple out and transform the world around you which is but a mirror of who you are within.


I invite golden light into the Earth through me


See what previous participants say!

Amazingly blessed

My drum and the beautiful Golden Light Ceremony last night has given me a little home here. Drum is so amazingly blessed.

~ Tracy

Immense Gratitude

Beautiful Renata & Steven!
GLP project is really amazing – I allways feel immense gratitude for it!
Thank you Both… for this oppurtunity to join & open up more… till next journey,
Blessings & Love

~ Suzana

Deep Shift taking place

I’ve been consistently meditating with the golden light over the past few months and I can feel a deep shift taking place! It’s like a sea change, when I meditate I immediately feel grounded and connected to the earth. It is very exciting. Thank you!

~ Devon

The most precious gifts are now within me

Dearest Renata & Steven,

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for meeting you and receiving so many wondrous gifts from you both. When I become distracted and disturbed by problems in everyday life and I feel that I have lost my way, I find my way back to Peace by remembering The Golden Light ( I sing, ” I invite Golden Light into the Earth through me, I’m inviting Golden Light into my Soul family ” to myself ) and I am immediately reconnected to my higher self and once more in harmony with the rest of creation. When I feel anxiety and fear, I listen to the beautiful Truth of; ” Then Love Comes From Somewhere ” and ” The Emperor’s Birthday Party ” and I feel soothed and safe. When my mind, body and spirit are feeling paricularly unbalanced and disconnected, I practise the Chi Gong/Tai Chi and begin to feel the potential of what it can feel like to feel ” blissfully in balance “. The wonderful thing is that these most precious gifts are now within me and there whenever I need them to help me on my path to becoming a conduit for the Holy, Healing Love of The Great Spirit. I am honoured and eternally grateful to join you and all the others in our shared quest to channel The Golden Light to heal Grandmother Earth and all Creation. Love and appreciation always.

~ Katarina R.

The Golden Light Project© is a 13-day guided meditation programme for personal and global healing and transformation.


This programme offers a way of reconneting to the the divine source of all life. It creates a clear channel for the uninhibited flow of the golden light which forms the rainbow bridge between your highest Self and your physial/earthly self.

Working with the Golden Light Project you have an opportunity to heal whatever stands in the the way of you living your highest potential. Like the clearest, purest water, golden light begins to flow into your consciousness to bring new inspiration and quench the deep thirst that you may not even know is there.

As you consciously direct the golden light through the 13 chakras into Mother Earth, you begin to release energetic blocks, clear old memories that do not serve you any more and unlock the gifts and talents that will help you fulfil your life’s purpose.

It is said that we are the ones we have been waiting for.
When you invite the golden light to change you from the inside, a beauty and peace beyond understanding will begin to manifest not just in your personal life but it will also ripple out and transform the world around you which is but a mirror of who you are within.


I invite golden light into the Earth through me


See what previous participants say!

Amazingly blessed

My drum and the beautiful Golden Light Ceremony last night has given me a little home here. Drum is so amazingly blessed.

~ Tracy

Immense Gratitude

Beautiful Renata & Steven!
GLP project is really amazing – I allways feel immense gratitude for it!
Thank you Both… for this oppurtunity to join & open up more… till next journey,
Blessings & Love

~ Suzana

Deep Shift taking place

I’ve been consistently meditating with the golden light over the past few months and I can feel a deep shift taking place! It’s like a sea change, when I meditate I immediately feel grounded and connected to the earth. It is very exciting. Thank you!

~ Devon

The most precious gifts are now within me

Dearest Renata & Steven,

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for meeting you and receiving so many wondrous gifts from you both. When I become distracted and disturbed by problems in everyday life and I feel that I have lost my way, I find my way back to Peace by remembering The Golden Light ( I sing, ” I invite Golden Light into the Earth through me, I’m inviting Golden Light into my Soul family ” to myself ) and I am immediately reconnected to my higher self and once more in harmony with the rest of creation. When I feel anxiety and fear, I listen to the beautiful Truth of; ” Then Love Comes From Somewhere ” and ” The Emperor’s Birthday Party ” and I feel soothed and safe. When my mind, body and spirit are feeling paricularly unbalanced and disconnected, I practise the Chi Gong/Tai Chi and begin to feel the potential of what it can feel like to feel ” blissfully in balance “. The wonderful thing is that these most precious gifts are now within me and there whenever I need them to help me on my path to becoming a conduit for the Holy, Healing Love of The Great Spirit. I am honoured and eternally grateful to join you and all the others in our shared quest to channel The Golden Light to heal Grandmother Earth and all Creation. Love and appreciation always.

~ Katarina R.

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