Sacred Drumming
Healing yourself with
THe Sacred Drum
Sacred Drumming is a gift from the Spirit world. The underlying philosophy is the reawakening of Native American spirituality in Europe together with the ancient Celtic wisdom that has inspired the peoples of these lands for thousands of years. Many of the people alive today carry the dormant memory of this ancient lineage of sacred medicine within them.
The Sacred Drum takes you inside to your core, into your heart beat and into your breath. With drum you mark what is real in your life.
What is vital to you as a human being? Drum will show you. Drum will take you into yourself and help you to look for what is important to keep and nurture, and then help you to see what you need to release to gain your power and freedom.

Medicine Path
Finding your Way
in a world gone mad
The Medicine Path offers you a compass to navigate your journey through the challenges as well as the beauty and uniqueness of your life.
The foundation for this voyage is the medicine wheel, a gift of understanding that has been handed down to us from the ancestors. This cosmic spinning gateway unfailingly opens up doors, windows and paths that will lead you home.
The Medicine Path you and I tread threads its way forward with the steady beat of our hearts and the ebb and flow of our breath – one heartbeat, one breath at a time. We are all on a sacred journey and we are walking a sacred path.

Golden Light Project
A 13-day programme for
personal and global Healing
The Golden Light Project is a 13-day program of healing and transformation for both yourself and the world around you. It was created as a way of reconnecting people to the divine source of all life.
When you invite the Golden Light to change you from the inside, a beauty and peace beyond understanding begins to manifest not just in your personal life but it also ripples out into the world which is but a mirror of who we are within.
We invite you to join the thousands of people who over the years have benefitted and continue to benefit from the Golden Light Project. Together we can and we will be catalysts for the birth of a kind and loving humanity and a beautiful new world.

Healing Home
Our lives and the experiences we encounter are a direct mirror of the degree to which we allow or inhibit the free flow of Qi. Our living and working space is a reflection of our inner balance and our inner state of being.
According to the laws of resonance and quantum physics, the energetic cleansing and restructuring of your living and working areas will have a strong and palpable influence on all aspects of your life as well as on the people who share this space with you.
Healing Home creates an oasis of peace and well being, where humans as well as animals feel happy, empowered and encouraged to reach and live their full potential. In all traditions this is the definition of sacred space.

Sacred Ceremonies
Since time immemorial, ceremony has been a central part of human life.
It awakens memories buried deep in our consciousness that speak to us of connection and living in harmony with all of life throughout the visible as well as the invisible worlds. Ceremony takes us out of the everyday routines that we have settled for and goes directly to the part of our brain where the magic of our creative nature lives.
Ceremony and ritual have the potential to re-awaken the innocent beauty and trust of your inner child. They allow you to look beyond the mundane and see the magic and sacredness within yourself and the world that surrounds you.

Soul Retreats
Our Soul Retreat programs are designed to help you find answers to the questions that are at the core of your being. All too often we refuse to hear the promptings of our soul and the true guidance that comes from listening to this inner voice.
Combining the extraordinary power of sacred sites and special places in nature with ceremony, meditation, sacred drum, music and time to simply breathe, we guide you into leaving behind the busyness of your everyday life and find your way into the place of stillness within.
Here, held within the security of a group of like-minded people, your heart can feel safe to open to the wisdom of your inner voice and let it show you the way to heal the past and find clear direction and new hope for the future.
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